Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dang Dong Ye Jian Nuan 當冬夜漸暖 - Stefanie Sun 孫燕姿

OMG These lyrics were penned by my favorite 小說 author! :D :D :D SO EXCITING!

作詞:藤井樹 作曲:饒善強

很多事情 不是誰說了就算
即使傷心 結果還是自己擔
事實證明 幸福很難

我們之間 不是誰說了就算
拉扯的愛 徒增結局的難堪
下一次 會更勇敢

當冬夜漸暖 當大海也不再那麼藍

當冬夜漸暖 當夏夜的樹上不再有蟬
那只是因為悲傷從來 都不會有答案

我們之間 不是誰說了就算
拉扯的愛 徒增結局的難堪
下一次 會更勇敢

當冬夜漸暖 當大海也不再那麼藍

當冬夜漸暖 當夏夜的樹上不再有蟬
那只是因為悲傷從來 都不會有答案

當冬夜漸暖 當青春也都煙消雲散
重要的是 我們如何愛過那一段

Credits: tw.kkbox.com

There's a lot of things
that can't be dismissed just because it was brought up
Even if there is sadness
ultimately, we'll have to bear it by ourselves
Countless disappointments point to countless expectations
Reality proves that
(achieving) happiness is indeed very difficult

Between us,
there's a lot of matters that can't just be dismissed because it was brought up
A love that is pulled apart,
is just inviting a difficult ending that is to come
In a hundred relationships, (I) only wish for fireworks in one
Next time, I'll have more courage

When the winter nights grow warm,
when the oceans fade in color [literally: when the oceans become less blue],
when the pure white of the moon becomes dark,
that just means happiness is no longer so simple

When the winter nights grow warm,
when the cicadas no longer sing in the summer,
when old memories are covered in stains,
that is just because there are never any answers to life's sorrows

When the winter nights grow warm,
when the days of our youth vanish into thin air,
when there's regrets even in the most beautiful of stories
That is because we tend to misinterpret love as like
The important thing is,
how we loved each other at the time

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